About Alliance
The Eurasian Alliance of National Evaluation Associations was formed to support professionalization of evaluation in the countries of the Eurasian region through development of national evaluation associations.
The Alliance founding members are:
- Armenian Monitoring and Evaluation Association
- Association of Specialists in Program and Policy Evaluation (Russia)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Community of Practice of the Republic of Tajikistan
- National Monitoring and Evaluation Network of the Kyrgyz Republic
- The Evaluators Network in Kazakhstan
The Alliance founders share belief that national associations are to play an important role in evaluation capacity development in the countries of the region. The union of associations will create opportunities for more effective experience exchange, implementation of joint projects, and in providing mutual support in meeting the emerging challenges.
The core priority area for the Alliance is strengthening and increasing sustainability of national evaluation associations. The Alliance is open for any national evaluation associations from the Eurasian region. Both legal entities and informal networks of evaluation professionals can join the Alliance.
The Alliance’ immediate plans include development of a long-term strategy as well as design and implementation of the Alliance’ organizational systems.